About NL Rattery
Welcome to NL Rattery! We are a small family-owned rat breeder located in South Bend, Indiana. Our focus is on producing friendly, well-socialized rats that will make wonderful pets.
New Litters

When a new litter arrives, we try to minimize handling for the first week to allow the mom to bond with them. We check them periodically to ensure the mom is taking good care of them and they are all getting enough to eat while striving to give them a quiet stress-free environment. It is a careful balance!
After the first week, each baby is handled daily by myself and my three children to prepare them for their lives as pets. They are so sweet and adorable at this age. It’s definitely a favorite family activity!
The babies spend their first few weeks drinking their mom’s milk and then naturally begin to wean. When ready, we offer a variety of foods to help expose them to new flavors and develop their tastes. Fresh fruits and veggies are a healthy addition to their everyday diet, and we love to watch them try new things!
READ: Safe Foods For Rats: The Ultimate List

Playtime and Enrichment
All our babies are given ample play time and a variety of textures to explore. We have special play areas set up that are developmentally appropriate for our young rats. They keep the babies safe while they learn about the world around them and get used to being handled. All the enrichment and playtime help them grow into wonderful pets!
Our Breeders
Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten our adult rats! Our breeding rats are very important to us. They get lots of enrichment and playtime as well. We have a separate play area for our adult rats that gives them time away from their babies and a chance to explore and enjoy themselves. We hope to keep our rats happy and healthy throughout their lives.
Check out our breeder’s page for more information on our breeding rats.
Want to learn more about NL Rattery?
For more information about how we care for our rats, see: How We Care For Our Rats
We are also very active on social media! Follow us on Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram, and YouTube to see all our fun in action! We love to share our adventures with our audience by posting lots of adorable videos of our sweet rats. It’s amazing to watch our babies grow and develop from the time they are born until they are ready to go to their new homes (and sometimes longer if they are holdbacks!).