Available Rats

Indulge In Our Pasta Litter!

Meet our Pasta Litter! We have some new lines here including harley, harvel, dwarf, and a couple of surprise hairless babies. Our harley and dwarf lines are newer to us, but they are coming along great. Standard-size babies can go home at 6 weeks old, but dwarf must wait until they are 8 weeks old to give them the opportunity to grow a bit more while in our care. Hairless babies must go home with a haired baby to be sure they can keep warm and snuggly in their new home.

If you wish to ask questions or inquire, please contact us at: [email protected] or through our Facebook page.

AVAILABLE RATS (Updated 10/11/24)




$80 – DWARF
$80 – DWARF
pasta litter rat
harvel rat
pasta litter rat
pasta litter rat
black dumbo dwarf rat
siamese dwarf rat
black harley rat

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